MASSIN, Madjid Samii. Society Internacional Of Neurosurgery

MASSIN Interim Meetings



Prof. Paulo Henrique Aguiar

THE THIRD MASSIN INTERIM MEETING was held in June 2015 in Atibaia, Brazil. This meeting was organized by Prof. Paulo Henrique Aguiar during the XVI Congress of the Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery.

Next MASSIN Interim Meetings

In May 14-16, 2020 the fourth MASSIN interim meeting will be held in Shenzhen, China. This meeting will be organized by Profs. Hongqi Zhang and Amir Samii. During this meeting the new Shenzhen Samii Medical Center will be inaugurated. Informations by the following e-mail:


The fifth MASSSIN Interim meeting will be organized by Prof. Eduard Zverina in Prague, Czech Republic (Autumn 2022).