MASSIN, Madjid Samii. Society Internacional Of Neurosurgery

General Secretary

Mrs. Silvia Meneses

  • International Neuroscience Institute (INI)
  • Rudolf-Pichlmayr-Str. 4 D-30625 Hannover
  • Tel.: (+49) 511 27092-700 Fax: (+49) 511 27092-706
  • E-Mail:


  1. Receive all information from the "country coordinators" and create a data bank of all massin members.
  2. Inform all members about the massin activities.
  3. Update massin homepage

Members – CV

There is three different membership categories: full member, junior member and horored member.

  1. Full members are the pupils of Prof. Samii and their fellows, friends of Prof. Samii and his pupils: to become a full member the candidate should present 2 recommendation letters from MASSIN full members and be acepted by the MASSIN board.
  2. Junior members are residents in training.
  3. Members should participate of at least 1 MASSIN meeting every 4 years.

How to become a member

  1. To become a full member the candidate should present 2 recommendation letters from MASSIN full members and be acepted by the MASSIN board.
  2. Junior members are neurosurgical residents. The director of the neurosurgical department (MASSIN full member) should present a recommendation letter to MASSIN board.
  3. Honored members will elected by the MASSIN board.
  4. All members should send to the massin secretary a resummed CV and a recent photo.
  5. There is no membership fee.