Madjid Samii, M.D. Ph.D.
Present duties:
- President of the International Neuroscience Institute (INI) at Otto von Guericke University President of the China INI at Capital University in Beijing
- President of the Neurobionic Foundation
- President of the Board of Trustees of AWD Children's Assistance Foundation
- Director emeritus of the Neurosurgical Clinic, Nordstadt Hospital in Hannover
- Honorary President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS)
- Honorary President of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Endowment/Foundation (WFNS)
- Honorary President of the German Society of Skull Base Surgery
- Honorary President of CURAC - German Society of Computer and Robot-Assisted Surgery
Address: International Neuroscience Institute (INI)
Rudolf-Pichlmayr-Str. 4 D-30625 Hannover
Tel.: (+49) 511 27092-700 Fax: (+49) 511 27092-706 E-Mail:
- 19.06.1937 Born in Teheran, Iran.
- 1957-63 Medical studies at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz.
- 1958-62 Second degree in Zoology and Botany on the Science Faculty
at Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz.
- 1963 Medical State Exam.
- 1964 Ph.D. at the University of Mainz.
- 01.04.63 Medical Assistant Internship.
- 01.04.65 Research Assistant at the Neurosurgical Clinic the University of Mainz.
- 1970 Recognized as a specialist in neurosurgery.
- 1970 Named as first Assistant Medical Director and Representative of the Clinic Director of the. Neurosurgical University Clinic of Mainz.
- 1970 Postdoctoral lecture qualification in the area of neurosurgery.
- 1970 Named as Assistant Medical Director at a university of science.
- 1971 Named as Extracurricular Professor.
- 1971-77 Organisation and leadership of yearly-held courses in microsurgery.
- 1974 Named Assistant Adviser and Professor of a university of science and assumption of lifelong civil servant status.
- 1977 and later Director of the Neurosurgical Clinic at Nordstadt Hospital in Hannover.
- 1979 and later Organisation and leadership of yearly-held courses in skull base surgery.
- 17.05.79 Founding Member of the International Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery. (18)
- 17.07.79 Founding Member of the Sunderland Society. (20)
- 16.10.80 Named as Honorary Member of the Theatrum Anatomicum Patavinum, Padua, Italy. (177)
- 02.10.80 Named as Honorary Member of the Academia Peruana de Cirugia, Lima. (13)
- 26.05.80 Honoured as Guest Professor on the medical faculty of Harvard University in Boston, USA (105)
- 09/82 Medal of Honour at the European Course in Neurosurgery, Verona, Italien.
- 07.09.82 Named as Corresponding Member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Neurocirurgia, Sao Paulo.
- 1983 Organization and implementation of the first worldwide medical telecommunications conference with participants on every continent.
- 01.8.84 Named as Corresponding Member of the Asociacion Argentina de
Neurocirugia in Buenos Aires. (5)
- 01.09.84 Founding Member of the Academia Eurasiana Neurochirurgica. (8) (162)
- 1984 Corresponding Membership in the Academia Argentina de Neurochirugia
Buenos Aires, Argentina. (19)
- 1986 Introduction of MEDCOM medical video communication system as an experimental project in Hannover (with support from the Postmaster General
- 1986 Call for professorship at the University of Leiden, Netherlands for the Chair of Neurosurgery.
- 1986-88 President of the “International Society of Skull Base Study Group”.
- 1987 Medal of Honour at the European Course in Neurosurgery, Wroclaw, Poland.
- 17.08.87 Corresponding Membership in the Associacion Argentina de Neurocirugia,
Fécha, Argentina. (55)
- 09/87 Olivecrona lecture, awarded Nobel Medal of the Carolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden. (190)
- 22.09.87 Honoured as guest speaker at Carolinska Medico Chirurgiska Institute in Stockholm
Sweden. (64)
- 12/87 Call for professorship at the University of Mainz for the Chair of Neurosurgery. ( )
- 1988 Guest of Honour at Universidad Catolica de Córdoba, Argentina. (65)
- 24.03.88 Honoured as guest speaker at the Japanese Congress of Neurological Surgeons
Nagoya, Japan. (262)
- 04/88 Call for professorship at the Medical University of Hannover (MHH) for the Chair of Neurosurgery – accepted.
- 1988 Keith Professorship at the University of Toronto, Canada.
- 1988 Vice-President of the “International Skull Base Society”.
- 30.03.88 Corresponding Membership in the Asociacion Medica Argentina, Mar del Plata. (25)
- 21.05.88 Awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany by German President Richard von Weizsäcker for outstanding service in scientific and practical developments in neurosurgery. (163) (271)
- 31.05.88 Awarded Medal of Honour by the University Clinical Centre School of Medicine - Clinic
of Neurosurgery in Belgrade, Yugoslavia. (269)
- 22.09.88 Named Honorary Professor of the Military Postgraduate Medical School and
Chinese Peoples Liberation Army General Hospital in Peking, China. (268)
- 10.10.88 Awarded the Lower Saxony Prize for Science. (270)
- 1989 President of the German Society for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- 1989 Lifetime guest professorship on the medical faculty of the University of
California (UCLA), Los Angeles, USA, and Guest Director of the Skull Base Center at the Neurosurgical Clinic of UCLA.
- 1989 Guest of Honour during the 2nd Annual Neurosurgery in the Rockies Meeting at the
University of Colorado, USA.
- 1989 Obrador Memorial Lecture and Obrador Medal, Madrid, Spain.
- 28.04.89 Guest of Honour Speaker at the Neurological Society, Taiwan, Republic of China. (60)
- 25.08.89 Honorary Membership with the Sociedade Brasileira de Neurocirurgia de Cranio, Sao Paulo,
Brazil. (500)
- 1990 Named Honorary Member of the Society of Neurological Surgeons. (25)
- 1990-92 Re-elected as President of the “International Society of Skull Base Study Group”.
- 06/90 Penfield Lecture, Banff, Canada.
- 28.06.90 Named Honorary Member of the Canadian Neurosurgical Society, Banff, Canada. (6)
- 23.10.90 Guest of Honour Speaker at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Japan
Neurosurgical Society, Tokyo, Japan. (289)
- 1991 Sano Lecture, Tokyo, Japan.
- 1991 Founding Member and first President of the German Society of
Skull Base Surgery.
- 1991 Founding Member and first President of the Neurobionic Foundation.
- 1991 Founding President of the Board of Trustees of AWD Children’s Assistance Foundation Hannover.
- 1991 Jamieson Memorial Lecture and Jamieson Medal at the Annual Meeting of the
Australian Society for Neurosurgery, Australia.
- 1991 Guest of Honour of the North American Skull Base Society.
- 18.01.91 Guest Professor at the Barrow Neurological Foundation, Phoenix (Arizona), USA. (54)
- 17.05.91 Named as Honorary Member of the Sociedad Luso-Espanola Neurocirgia, Leon,
Spain. (14)
- 3.09.91 Named as Honorary Member of the Sociedad de Neurologoa y Neurocirugia del
Uruguay in Montevideo. (7)
- 1992 Awarded the Lower Saxony Road Safety Prize 1992 “Non disputare, sed agree” by the Road Safety Organization of Lower Saxony. (57)
- 1992 President of the International Society for Skull Base Surgery.
- 1992 President for the 1st World Congress for Skull Base Surgery.
- 1992 Awarded Medal of Honour by the Mumbai Hospital, Mumbai, India. (197)
- 02/92 Guest of Honour of the North American Skull Base Society, Acapulco, Mexico. (107)
- 08.02.92 Guest of Honour at the Richard Lende Winter Neurosurgery Conference and
David Kasdon Lecturer, Snowbird (Utah), USA. (53)
- 13.04.92 Named as an Honorary Member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons,
USA. (16)
- 05.08.92 Named as an Honorary Professor by the Universidad de la Republica Uruguay,
Montevideo. (32)
- 08.05.92 Guest of Honour as a Lars Leksell Lecturer at the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center
Charlotsville (Virginia), USA. (56)
- 03.09.92 Named as an Honorary Member of the Sociedade Brasileira de Neurocirurgia, Sao Paulo.
- 10/92 Corresponding Membership in the Sociedad Boliviana de Neurocirujanos, Cochabamba, Bolivia. (21)
- 09/93 The 1st Edward Laws Jr. M.D. Lecture at George Washington University, Washington
D.C., USA.
- 1994 Awarded Honorary Citizenship of the City Osario, Argentina.
- 12.03.94 Honorary Membership at Erasmus University - Center for Craniofacial & Skull Base
Surgery in Rotterdam, Netherlands. (48)
- 30.03.94 Awarded Honorary Doctorate for Medicine by Catholic University Rio
Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil. (35)
- 30.06.94 Named as an Honorary Member of the Academia Nacional de Medicina, Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. (2)
- 19.10.94 Named as an Honorary Member of the Asociacion Colombiana de Neurocirugia in
Cartagena, Columbia. (3)
- 17.8.1994 Named as an Honorary Member of the Asociacion Argentina de Neurocirugia in Buenos Aires. (4)
- 1994 Elected as Vice-President of the German Society of Neurosurgery.
- 1995 Named as Honorary President of the German Society for Skull Base Surgery.
- 1995 Named as Honorary Professor by the Vice-Chancellor of Peruvian University
Cayetano Heredia, Lima, Peru.
- 1995 Member of the Board of Trustees for EXPO 2000 Hannover.
- 1995 Named as Honorary Professor by the Vice-Chancellor of National University Lima, Peru.
- 01.10.95 Guest professor of the Instituto Neurologico de Sao Paulo, Brazil. (298)
- 03.12.95 Guest of Honour at the “Réunion de la Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Francaise”, Paris,
- 04.07.95 Named as Honorary Member of the Sociedad Peruana de Neurocirugia, Lima. (11)
- 05.10.95 Named as Honorary Member of the Sociedad de Neurologia, Psiquiatria y
Neurocirugia Chile, Santiago. (10)
- 1996-98 Elected as President of the German Society for Skull Base Surgery.
- 02/96 Director of the Neurosurgical Clinic, Nordstadt Hospital in Hannover.
- 30.04.96 Guest speaker at the Clarus Neuroendoscopy Symposium (658)
- 29.06.96 Honoured for outstanding service as President (1992-1996) for the development of skull base surgery at the 2nd International Skull Base Congress in San Diego, USA. (108)
- 08.07.96 Guest of Honour at the International Society for Pedietric Neurosurgery in Ottawa, Canada.
- 08.10.96 Named as Honouray Citizen by the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras. (103)
- 17.10.96 Guest of Honour at the 13th Women’s Neurosurgical Association of Japan Luncheon Seminar
in Toyama, Japan. (275)
- 11/96 Membership in the American Academy of Neurological Society. (78)
- 1997 Named as Honorary Member of the Turkish Neurosurgical Society. (51)
- 1997 Named as Honorary Member of the Western Neurosurgical Society. (74)
- 1997 Awarded the Sir Charles Balance Medal by the British Skull Base Society, London, England. (187)
- 24.03.97 Named as Honorary Member of Hong Kong Neurosurgical Society, China. (23)
- 05/97 Named as Corresponding Member of the German Society for Ear Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Throat Surgery e.V. Bonn. (75)
- 07/97 Named as President of the WFNS (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies)1997– 2001.
- 21.07.97 Guest speaker at the El. H. Ayuntamiento de Boca del Rio, Ver. (481)
- 06.11.97 Named as Honorary Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Teheran. (91)
- 1998 Named as Honorary professor of the Societas Medicorum Slovacorum Societas Neurochirurgica. (89)
- 1998 Honoured as guest speaker at the 47th Annual Conference of Neurological Society of India. (276)
- 03/98 Medal of Honour at the 98th Commissioned Training in Neurosurgery, Hong Kong, China. (135)
- 24.03.98 Named as Honorary Member of the Hong Kong Neurosurgical Society, China. (88)
- 16.05.98 Guest Professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Santa Fe de Bogota, Columbia. (93)
- 06.06.98 Named as Honorary Member of the Hellenic Neurosurgical Society, Thessaloniki, Greece. (79)
- 22.05.98 Named as Honorary Professor by Pontifica Universidad Javeriana Bogotà, Columbia. (100)
- 06/98 Awarded the “Aristotle Gold Medal” by the University of Thessalonia, Greece. (181)
- 15.10.98 Named as Honorary Member of the Japan Neurosurgical Society. (87)
- 24.10.98 Honoured as guest speaker at National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei. (357)
- 22.11.98 Named as Honorary Professor at the National Taiwan University Hospital. (365)
- 17.12.98 Honorary Membership of the Neurological Society of India.(73) (285)
- 07.03.98 Named as Honorary professor for neurosurgery by the Alexandria Faculty of Medicine, Egypt. (72) (76)
- 29.04.99 Honoured as Guest Professor at the 6th Annual Loyd C. Megison, Jr. Lecture, Louisiana State University Medical Center, Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. (38)
- 15.05.99 Awarded the Medal of Honour by the Turk Neurosirurji Dernegi, Istanbukl, Turkey.(133)
- 20.11.99 Named as Honorary Member of the Taiwan Neurosurgical Society. (26)
- 23.01.00 Awarded the Medal of Honour by the International Society of Neurobionics, Hannover. (50)
- 29.02.00 Honoured as Guest Professor of Capital University of Medical Science. (41)
- 04/00 Named as Honorary Professor for Neurosurgery at the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA.
- 07/00 Medical Director and President of the “International Neuroscience Institute”, officially opened on July 21, 2000.
- 07/00 Congress President of the “World Congress on Medicine and Health July 21 – August 20, 2000”.
- 03.08.00 Named as Honorary Doctor at the University Antioquia, Medellin, Columbia. (92) (94)
- 09/00 European Lecture for Neurosurgery, Opio-Nice, France.
- 12/00 Awarded the Rudolf Frey Prize for outstanding performance in the area of pain therapy. 2001 Guest of Honour at the50th Anniversary of the Italian Society for Neurosurgery.
- 2001 Awarded the Medal of Honour for the Jordan Armed Forces by General Nazih Suheimat, Jordan. (118)
- 04.12.01 Named as Honorary Member of the Societa Italiana Neurochirurgia, Rom, Italy.
- 06/01 Named as Honorary president of CURAC German Society for Computer Robot Assisted Surgery.
- 09/01 Named as Honorary president of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies.
- 2002 Named as Honorary Member of the Int. Soc. for Minimal Intervention in Spinal Surgery (1)
- 01/02 Named as Honorary Professor at Harbin Medical University, China. (36)
- 18.06.02 Awarded Medal of Honour by the German Traffic Patrol in Gold on 65th birthday and at 25th Anniversary as Neurosurgeon in Hannover. (617) (145) (283)
- 19.06.02 Achievement Award by the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgeons commemorating 65th birthday.
- 26.10.02 Named Member of the Federacion Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Neurocirugia. (83)
- 06.11.02 Named as Honorary Member of the Central European Neurosurgical Society in Brno, Czech Republic. (80)
- 2003 Erection of a Samii Statue in the public park in the capital city of Gilan in Resht, Iran in recognition of life’s work.
- 2003 Dedication in his name of a lecture hall in the Nordstadt Hospital in Hannover in recognition of
- 25 year’s work as Director of Neurosurgery in “Madjid Samii-Auditorium”.
- 2003 Awarded McLaughlin-Gallie Visiting Professorship of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada with the award of $10,000. This prize was awarded for the first time to a German and worldwide to a neurosurgeon since 1960.
- 2003 Awarded the Paul C. Bucy Award for outstanding contributions to the further development of Neurosurgery by the University of Chicago, USA. (263)
- 2003 Awarded Medal of Honour for outstanding performance in medical science by the Encyclopaedia Iranica, Iran. (139)
- 02.03.03 Named as Honorary President and Honoured as guest speaker during the Winter Congress of the Italian Society for Neurosurgery, Madonna di
Campiglio, Italy. (116)
- 25.02.03 Founding of an international neurosurgical society of former students and friends under the name MASCIN (Madjid Samii Congress of International Neurosurgeons e.V.).
- 27.03.03 Named as Honorary professor at Capital University of Medical Sciences, China. (252)
- 04/03 John L. Kemink Lecture, Honoured by the University of Michigan, USA.
- 28.04.03 Richard C. Schneider Lecture 2003, Honoured by the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, San Diego, USA. (46)
- 1994 Awarded the Medal of Honour by the Polish National Academy for Medicine. (167)
- 05/04 Awarded the Medal of Honour by the Chinese Journal of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery, Guangzhou, China. (130)
- 07/04 Named as President of the China International Neuroscience Institute at the Capital University of Medical Sciences in Peking, China.
- 15.07.04 Honoured as guest speaker at the University of California, San Francisco (31)
- 07.09.04 Awarded the 1st Honorary Ring of the city of Hannover (Garbsen) for outstanding performance in the area of scientific and medical neurobionics and social commitment. (95) (200)
- 01.10.04 Named as Honorary Member of the Austrian Society for Neurosurgery commemorating 40-year Annual General Meeting in Vienna, Austria. (86)
- 21.10.04 Awarded the Jubilee Medal and Honorary Membership in the Polish Society for Neurosurgery commemorating 50-year Annual Meeting in Krakow, Poland. (265) (503)
- 11/04 Named as Guest of Honour at the 4th International Skull Base Congress, Sydney, Australia.
- 25.11.04 Named as Honorary Professor of Capital University of Medical Sciences in Peking, China.
- 25.11.04 Dedication in his name of the Training Centre at the XuanWu University Clinic of Capital University of Medical Sciences in Peking as “Samii Skull Base Surgery Training Center“ in recognition of international efforts in skull base surgery, China. (613)
- 2005 Named President of the Accreditation Committee for WFNS Board of Neurosurgery.
- 24.04.05 Celebrity handprint in cement, Hannover (Garbsen).
- 05/05 Named as Honorary President of the 7th Congress of the European Skull Base Society and of the 13th Congress of the German Society for Skull Base Surgery.
- 18.05.05 Kurt-Schürmann-Lecture 2005 – Honoured in recognition of outstanding service in skull base surgery, Fulda. (104) (70)
- 26.10.05 Carl Zeiss Lecture 2005 - Honoured in recognition of outstanding service in Microsurgery, Frankfurt on Main. (47) (106)
- 01.12.05 Named as Honorary Member of the Society of Nervous System Surgery in Istanbul, Turkey. (22)
- 10.12.05 Awarded Medal of Honour at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Korean Skull Base Society, Seoul. (136)
- 2006 Named as Honorary Member of the Charitable Association for the Construction of Schools in Iran.
- 27.01.06 Honoured as guest speaker at the Asian Conference of Neurological Surgeons & WFNS in Mumbai, India. (152)
- 03.03.06 Awarded the Medal of Honour by the Vice-Chancellor by Hacattepe University for work in neurosurgery, Türkei. (71)
- 24.03.06 Named as Honorary Member of the Bangladesh Society of Neurosurgeons in Dhaka, Bangladesh. (82)
- 06/06 Named as Honorary Member of the Association of Neurosurgeons of Russia in Moscow, Russia. (9)
- 02.06.06 Awarded the Avicenna Prize for outstanding service in research and education in medical science by the Association of Iranian Doctors and Dentists in the German Democratic Republic. (250) (148)
- 29.06.06 36th Donald D. Matson Lecturer, Medal of Honour at Harvard University Boston, USA. (137)
- 02.09.06 Named as Honorary Member of Association of Iranian Doctors and Dentists (VIA) in the German Democratic Republic. (81)
- 09/06 Guest of Honour of the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery at the “26th Brazilian Congress of Neurosurgery”, Florianópolis, Brazil.
- 01.11.06 Honoured as guest speaker of the Asian Oceanian Skull Base Society, Dubai VAE. (99)
- 13.11.6 Awarded the Iranian Science Prize “Chrehayeh Mandegar“ for Medicine 2006, Teheran, Iran. (156)
- 29.01.6 Honoured as Guest Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. (31)
- 08.03.07 Awarded the Medal of Honour by Mohammed V University for outstanding service in the education of young neurosurgeons and for the development of neurosurgery in Morocco and African states by President Rabat of Morocco. (29)
- 28.04.07 Awarded the Fedor Krause Medal by the Germany Society for Neurosurgery and Fedor Krause Memorial Lecture commemorating the 58th Annual Meeting in Leipzig, Named as Honorary Member of Germany Society for Neurosurgery. (155) (182)
- 05/07 Named as Honorary Member of the Czech Neurological Society.
- 05/07 Named as Honorary President of the 8th Congress of the European Skull Base Society &
- 15th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Skull Base Surgery in Prague, Czech Republic.
- 08/07 Guest of Honour at the 1st MASCIN Congress, Tubingen.
- 02.09.07 Named as Honorary Professor at Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Teheran, Iran. (260)
- 01.10.07 Awarded the Chinese Friendship Prize 2007 in Peking, P. R. China by the State Administration of foreign experts affairs as the highest Chinese honour for foreigners whose work is recognized as a great contribution to the further development of China. Awarded on National Day of China by the Chinese Prime Minister. (175)
- 02.11.07 Honoured as guest speaker at the Asian Society for Neuro- Oncology Meeting in Istanbul, Turkey. (127) (129)
- 14.11.07 Honoured as guest speaker of the Korean Neurosurgical Society, Seoul. (100)
- 2008 Awarded the Medal of Honour by the Institute of Neurosurgery commemorating the 55th Anniversary, Belgrad, Serbia. (132)
- 12.06.08 Awarded the Medal of Honour by Mahammed V University in Rabat, Morocco. (199)
- 09/08 Guest of Honour at the 5th World Congress of the World Federation of Skull Base Societies in recognition of pioneer work in the development of skull base surgery, Vancouver, Canada. (63)
- 12.10.08 Guest of Honour at the 10th Conference of Skull Base Surgery Society of India, Mumbai, India. (28)
- 12/08 Named as Honorary Professor of the Burdenko Institute in Moscow, Russia. (40)
- 13.12.8 Guest of Honour of the Italian Skull Base Society, Bergamo, Italy. (147)
- 26.03.8 Named as Honorary Member of the South Cone Society of Neurological Surgery and named as Honorary Citizen of the city by the mayor of Salta, Argentina. (633)
- 20.06.09 Awarded the Medal of Honour by the Instituto de Neurologia de Curitiba, Brazil .(440)
- 09/09 Named as Honorary Member of the Neurosurgical Association of Serbia. (639)
- 11.09.09 Honoured as Guest Professor on the medical faculty at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. (638)
- 01/10 Guest of Honour at the Annual Meeting of the Neurosurgical Society of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
- 02/10 Orator of the Annual Sarveshwari Memorial by the 12th Annual Microneurosurgery Workshop in New Dehli, India.
- 03/10 Guest of Honour at the 35th International Annual Meeting of the Egyptian Society of Neurological Surgeons in Sharm El-Shiekh, Egypt.
- 13.04.10 Awarded the Gold Medal by the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Neurosurgical Society of America at Pebble Beach, California, USA. For the first time this award was granted to a non-American scientist.
- 04/10 Honorary President of the 3rd International Neurosurgery Symposium at the Milad Hospital, Teheran, Iran.
- 05/10 Special Invited Lecturer at the International Conference “ Modern Aspects of Spinal Surgery” in Moscow, Russia.
- 06/10 Special Invited Lecturer at the 7th Meeting of Asian Society for Neuro-Oncology in Seoul, Korea.
- 06/10 Special Invited Lecturer at the 4th Academic Congress of International Chinese Neurosurgical Sciences in Chengdu, China.
- 07/10 President of the International Neurosurgical Congress on the occasion of the 10-year anniversary of the International Neuroscience Institute Hannover.
- 11/10 Special invited Lecturer at the 5th International Symposium on Microneurosurgical Anatomy in Istanbul, Turkey.
- 11/10 President of the 7th International Course on Clinical Neurosurgery in China.
Has given more than 1000 lectures and presentations dealing with various topics in neurosurgery as an invited or as guest of honour at national and international congresses.
Nationality: Iranian and German
Married to Mahschid Samii (since 1961)
Two children: Daughter, born 1966 Son, born 1970